
our family

Hi, I'm Kate! I'm glad you've found me here and I hope you enjoy my rambling thoughts. I'm a wife, a mother, a foster mom, and a follower of Jesus Christ. I get to stay home and raise my littles right now, which is a huge blessing, and I also get to make a little cheddar on the side selling some art at TheLittleNarwhal.

My family and I have most of our adventures here in McKinney, TX. My husband, James was [and still is] my highschool sweetheart. We met and started dating about a week before my 15th birthday. 5 years later we were wed and have been loving marriage ever since. James is the strong silent type, he works hard [he's a mechanical engineer] to provide for our family, and he is probably the most selfless person I know. Enough about how my husband is the best though, we have three little clones who are pretty fantastic.

Owen is seriously funny, and pretty cute too. The first thing anyone ever notices about him is how much he talks. I don't know where he gets that. He's ridiculously smart and gives me a run for my money every day. He's strong-willed, and likes to rise to a challenge. He's got the deepest green eyes, and he's enjoying Kindergarten.

Eliza was the yummiest newborn baby you've ever seen. She seriously looked like a round little ball with arms and legs. As she's grown, she's lost some of that squishy goodness, but she hasn't lost a bit of her sweetness. It's hard to catch her in a bad mood, she gives out hugs like a politician does handshakes, and she is all smiles all the time. She'll still eat anything that doesn't eat her first, and she has a mild obsession with dolls.

Hadden [had-den, not hay-den] is the most fun blend of sensitive and serious. He is all boy, he's kind of bossy, and he's hysterical. I confess that I'm probably grandma-parenting him just because he's so dadgum cute. We're having so much fun figuring him out and watching him do the most funny things on the heels of his brother and sister.

James and I are licensed foster parents through Covenant Kids, and we currently are caring for a sweet lil' brown baby girl [you won't see photos of her here, because there are confidentiality laws regarding posting of foster children's photos] who was born and placed with us in July of this year. We aren't sure yet if she will be a part of our family forever, or if she'll return to her biological family, but for now we love her as our own, pray for her future, and thank God for the gift of knowing her each day.

Oh, and there's Murray. He's some kind of Yorkie mutt, and is pretty much the perfect dog. He plays perfectly with the kids, he cleans up after them when they eat [so much less sweeping], he's a great snuggler, and best of all, he doesn't shed.

That's our little family.